Beyond the Screen

In this modern time, Laks was an eight-year-old boy who adored video games. His life revolved around his console and his collection of games, which he had painstakingly built up over the years. He spent countless hours lost in digital worlds, his fingers dancing across the controller with the deftness of a concert pianist. But as time went on, Laks began to notice something amiss. His eyes, once sharp as razors, now felt heavy and tired, as if they were carrying around a weight far greater than their meager frame. The light of the television screen, once a beacon of joy and wonder, now stabbed at his eyeballs like a thousand tiny daggers. Despite this, Laks continued to play, unwilling to give up the one thing that brought him so much happiness.

One day, while playing his favorite game, Laks' vision began to blur. He blamed it on the screen being dirty and tried wiping it with his shirt but to no avail. Frustrated, he closed his eyes for a moment, pressing his thumbs into the sockets, hoping to relieve some of the pressure. It was then that he heard a voice, soft and gentle, like that of an angel. "Are you okay, Laks?" it asked. Startled, he opened his eyes to find his mother standing beside him, concern etched into her features. "Your eyes have been red and puffy for days," she continued, "and you've been neglecting your homework. You need to take care of yourself, sweetheart."

As he looked into his mother's loving eyes, Laks felt a pang of guilt wash over him. He knew she was right. He couldn't keep living like this, obsessing over video games and neglecting everything else in his life. He took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "Okay, Mom," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll try to do better." And with those words, Laks began to take the first tentative steps toward reclaiming his life from the virtual world.

Over the next few days, Laks found himself struggling to resist the urge to play his games. Every time he passed by the living room where his console was kept, his fingers itched to touch the controllers. But he forced himself to resist, telling himself that he had other, more important things to do. He spent more time with his family, helping his mom around the house, and even started to make an effort with his schoolwork.

One afternoon, his mother took him to see an optometrist. The doctor examined his eyes and, after several tests, informed them that, while Laks' vision wasn't in danger, his eyes were indeed weak from overuse. The doctor prescribed a regimen of eye exercises and a strict limit on screen time and assured them that if Laks followed these instructions, his eyesight would return to normal within a few months.

Laks nodded solemnly, promising the doctor that he would take care of his eyes. As they left the office, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. For the first time in a long time, he felt hopeful. Maybe there was life beyond video games, and maybe he could find happiness in other things. He glanced over at his mom, who was smiling encouragingly at him, and knew that with her support, he could make it through this difficult time.

That night, as Laks lay in bed, he couldn't help but wonder what games he would play once his eyesight had recovered. Would he go back to his old favorites, or would he discover new ones? Would he still enjoy video games as much as he used to? These thoughts kept him awake for a while, but eventually, exhaustion won out, and he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of endless worlds of color and light.

In the morning, Laks awoke to the sound of birds singing outside his window. The sunlight streaming through the curtains was warm and inviting, and for the first time in a long time, he felt truly refreshed. As he got out of bed, he made a silent promise to himself: from now on, he would take care of his eyes, and he would never again let video games control his life. With renewed determination, he headed downstairs to start another day, eager to embrace all the possibilities that lay before him.

His mother, seeing the newfound vigor in his step, smiled and offered him a bowl of freshly cooked oatmeal. "You know," she said, as they sat down at the kitchen table, "now that you're spending more time outside, you might want to consider joining a sports team or a club at school. It's a great way to make friends and stay active." Laks considered this for a moment, already imagining himself as the captain of a soccer team or the star of a school play. It was an exciting thought and one that he couldn't help but find appealing.

As the weeks passed, Laks found himself growing accustomed to his new routine. He continued with his eye exercises and limited his screen time, but he also made an effort to explore other interests. He joined the school chess club and discovered a love for painting. He even found himself enjoying the great outdoors, going for long walks in the park, or playing frisbee with friends. Life had become rich and fulfilling, and he couldn't imagine ever going back to the way things were before.

One day, as he was walking home from school, he spotted a group of kids gathered around an arcade. The familiar draw of the flashing lights and the sounds of cheering were almost too much to resist. For a moment, he felt a pang of nostalgia, but then he remembered the promise he had made to himself. He steeled his resolve and kept walking, knowing that the world held so much more than just video games. As he rounded the corner and disappeared from view, he felt a sense of liberation wash over him, and he knew that he had made the right choice.

Time passed, and Laks continued to thrive in his new life. His eyesight had partially recovered, and he had even started to get better at his favorite school subjects. He maintained his newfound friendships and continued to explore his interests. One day, as he was browsing through a bookstore, he came across a novel set in a world where video games were the center of everyone's lives. The story struck a chord with him, reminding him of the person he once was and the person he never wanted to be again. With a sigh, he closed the book and continued, grateful for the journey that had brought him to this point.

As he left the bookstore, Laks felt a sense of contentment wash over him. He had come a long way since the days when video games consumed his every thought, and he was proud of the person he had become.
The world was full of endless possibilities, and he could hardly wait to see what the future held. He knew that no matter what challenges or obstacles he faced, he would always have the strength and resilience to overcome them, just as he had overcome his addiction to video games. And with that thought, he stepped out into the world, ready to embrace whatever came his way.